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New Changes to Idea Central Stages

By smunzinger posted Aug 17, 2018 09:50 AM


Updated 2/23/2021

There is a new process for submitting feature requests for Carbon Black Cloud products.  You may read more here.


Help Us Revamp Idea Central survey was open and collected your feedback over the past month, and your insights have already impacted change.  Thank You for helping us make significant improvements to our feature request process!


Today, we flipped the switch and officially revised the stages each of your ideas might fall into.  We’d like to call your attention to a few important changes.


Simplified Idea stages

We’ve simplified and consolidated the stages your ideas may be grouped into.  Rather than 10 different stages, there are now 6 clearly defined stages, so you can more easily determine where your idea stands.  We’ll be reviewing each idea on a regular basis to ensure it is categorized into the correct stage. New stages include:




Idea Stage Definitions

Open for Voting

Ideas are open for six months. Following six months, ideas in the top 10th percentile of vote will remain in the general forum. Ideas in the bottom 90th percentile will be archived and moved out of the general forum, which makes room for new ideas. The archive process will occur monthly.

Product Radar

Product Radar ideas have been selected by the Product team for official response. These ideas may be selected because of their vote count, market group, overall view count, comments, or other factors. These ideas represent a pool of our wish-list items as much as yours! We would love to build everything, but we want to put as much focus as possible on the features that will have the most impact.

In Development

In Development ideas are being worked on or plan to be worked on in the next 3 months. Most of these ideas will be linked to a Product priority, which include related ideas and other activities around development. If we mark an idea as being 'In Development', we will comment and say whether the idea might be implemented in the next quarter or whether we know it will be more long term.

In Beta

In Beta ideas have been implemented and are being evaluated in Beta by customers who have volunteered to participate.


Released ideas have been implemented and deployed to production.


Archived ideas may have fallen short of rising to the top in six months or it may have been marked as 'not planned.' We will comment and provide clear reasons for why an idea has been archived. Some ideas cannot be developed because of a technical limitation. Others do not fit with overall product direction, or do not warrant the resources they would take to implement, relative to other requests.

Legacy Stages Mapped to New Stages

Previous Stage

New Stage


Open for Voting

Already Offered




Coming Soon

In Development



For future consideration

Product Radar

In progress

In Development

Not approved


Partially implemented

Released (with comment explaining what was released)

Under review

Product Radar


Thank you for all of the time, thought, and energy you put into Idea Central to help us build better products to keep you safe from cyber attacks.  We need your great ideas, so please keep them coming and keep voting on the ideas that matter most to you.  We're excited to see the impact of these new changes and will continue to gather and incorporate your feedback as we make incremental, iterative improvements to our feature request process.


For more detailed information on how the feature request process works and how to create a new feature request, please read through the following guides:

